jalan segak penuh bergaya.



Monday, January 14, 2013


No, i'm not failed trial test or so whatever. Yeah, even i used to fail for my Science Stream subjects, that's not the point. Lower form gagal pelik kot. Kalau upper form. I'm not scared to say, 9As 8As 7As 6As and so on might be the 'same'. Bukan semua orang, but, MOST! So, upper form students, Welcome To The Hell. *ayat untuk aku sebenanye. Bukan nak bagi takut, but, i just wanna all of you know, on this level, NO HONEYMOON. Honeymoon time form 123 still can get straight As. I can guarantee you. Still, study is needed. for SPM level, all you need is FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS! Okay, aku lari terpesong dari niat aku nak sampaikan apa. =.='

10.30 am i woke up from my bed unworthily. I'm going to sit for my Ujian Undang-undang Berkomputer Bahagian 1. And as you know, *bagi mereka2 yang tahu, i'm a backup teacher at SAR. So, i target around 12.30 pm i would completed my test. RILEK kk, the place where i took my test. Ramai gile kot manusia. Macam Himpunan Rakyat Malaysia #KK114 yang beratur panjang berjela-jela kat counter. Second by second, minute by minute, till hour by hour and aku naik fed up.

"Kak, boleh ka kalau saya postpone test saya, sebab saya ada hal urgent"

"Eh, tidak bole tu tau. Kalau kamu daftar hari nie, hari nie jugak kamu kena ambik. Boleh jugak laa. Tapi kamu kena daftar balik and bayar RM30 semula."

"Ohh. okay, thank you."

Aku pun berlalu pergi dan ambek phone aku yang tertinggal kat atas kerusi.

"Hello, mak. Aku postpone la hari lain. Lama betul lagi nie. Tapi nanti daftar balik. Bayar RM30. Heee"

"Eh, jangan. Kau tunggu jak. Nanti dia panggil tu."

"Jadi, lambat la aku pegi megajar nieee."

"Nanti mama SMS Ustaz Rohzan."


I'm waiting. I think i can't go to teach today. So, i SMS Ustaz Rohzan.

"Assalamualaikum ustaz. Saya masih di RILEK untuk ambil test computer. Masih menunggu di panggil. Saya tidak dapat datang hari nie pegi mengajar. Maaf."

Macam lawak pulak ayat aku. So, i waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Suddenly...

"Dek, adek tunggu dari jam berapa lagi?"

"Jam 11 kak."

"Kakak dari jam 10 lebih lagi. Lambatnya proses dorang nie. Jam 3 lebih sudah nie."

Jangan tanya apa perasaan aku tunggu selama 4 jam. SAKIT HATI. However, it won't changed anything. So i decide to be patient. Orang tengah sebok baca buku KPP, aku sebok melayan smartphone. -.-'

"Nurliyananissa binti md Roslan?"

At last! wehuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

"Adek duduk sana ambek gambar. Kalau first test bayar 10 ringgit ehh."

Tergelak tengok muka sendiri dalam computer. Tudung mereng-mereng.

"Dek, komputer 1."

As i entered the room, i'm searching for 'Komputer 1'. I'm sitting near the door. Orang masuk keluar masuk keluar. Stress aku menjawab. Honestly, AKU TAKDAK BACA BUKU KPP APATAH LAGI SISTEM KEJARA. I just depends on the KPP's talk. *walaupun aku tido. So, i just answered the questions. Gile temberang aku dapat full mark Ujian Kecacatan, Warna dan Penglihatan. Masuk Ujian Bahagian 1 (Statik), berkerut dahi. Maybe you will say,

'Hek'elehh, aku tak belajar pun lulus jugak.'

Hey, your IQ with mine aren't the same! I'm not se-genius anda. *Tahu tak genius, tak baca. Kena balik muka sendiri. So, i just answered them completely. Lepas jawab soalan 50, terus hit button 'Hantar'. But button 'Keputusan', dup dap dup dap aku nak tekan.

1 more mark to pass the test. Kalau kat sekolah bolehla bodek2 cikgu bagi markah lebih 1. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur. It's okay, at least i knew how to face the reality. I accepted that. Plus, i didn't read the book. Maybe Allah doesn't want me to feel comfortable with no effort. 

"Dek, adek lulus?"

"Tak, gagal. 41/50."

"Satu lagi tu. Sayangnya. Nasib baik kakak lulus."

She's Christian, I'm Muslim. She do not pray 5 times a day. I do *kecuali mamnu'. She's free hari. I'm hijaber. Only a thing she did better than me, SHE HAS EFFORT. In that few hours, i saw she's reading the KPP's book and i was facebooking, twittering, instagraming and messaging. Ohhh, my fault. Allah has said in His Quran "I will not change your fate, except you work for it." See? Pengajarannya, jangan nak goyang kaki  je and say 'Aku tawakkal je. Allah tentukan segalanya.' #Note Khas Untuk Aku. Usaha itu perlu untuk berjaya :D  Maybe i'll take my re-test at Myeg Donggongon. So, wish me luck peeps!


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