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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

LISTEN! [sila sebut enam kali]

Asalamualaikum. As we know, video yang tengah hot sekarang nie adalah video LISTEN. To does who never watch the video, bolehlah pegi mendapatkan ihsan Mr. YouTube dan search listen. Lebih lengkap lagi, taip Listen tu enam kali. Confirm keluar. If not, if you're lucky, korang akan nampak video tu dalam kategori Highlights. *wow! trending kot! Kalau tahun lepas video tarian Gangnam Style oleh PSY menjadi world phenomenan, tahun 2013 mencatat sejarah video Listen antara Miss Bawani, UUM student and Sharifah Zohra Jabeen *tak pasti jawatan dia dalam 1Malaysia, nie jadi trending. Video response dan parody pun turut mendapat hit yang menggila sekarang. Tambah2, Encik MatLuthfi dah maii dahh. Not only in YouTube, juga menjadi trending di Facebook dan Twitter. Nasib je Friendster dah tak famous, kalau tak, confirm2 turut menjadi trending. So, in this entry, i just wanna share my opinion about the video.

First, *ceh, macam Kak Pah la pulak, yes, for those who watch the video, we can see Bawani using a high voice towards Sharifah. Yeah, Sharifah is older than her. But maybe she wants to let her listen to what she wants to ask or to highlights. But when she started to talk about education in Malaysia, Sharifah just asked her to stop. But, she didn't finished her questions. And why Sharifah have to said Listen, Listen, Listen while her hand in front of Bawani's face. Ayat yang paling melekat kat kepala otak aku,


Whoaaa! Ayat tak boleh bla! kalau aku, aku menjawab kot. If she said that, why didn't she let Bawani speak and she listen to her. Like people said, 'don't just jump into a conclusion'. Mana la tahu ayat belakang2 tu menerangkan segalanya. Who knows right? But, she just asked her to stop and said listen and bla bla bla, then took away the mic. Nampak tak? taknak kena condemn lebih2 la tuuu. Lepas tu cakap pulak,

"Do you think i have to answer her question with this attitude?"

Yelah, kalau dia tak ada attitude pun, at least, tegur la. Tak payah nak ugut camtu. Haaa, ayat yang nie pulak.

"Jangan samakan Malaysia dengan negara lain. Sekiranya negara Malaysia disamakan dengan negara lain, what are you doing in Malaysia? .....Because you know what, all the studnets in this hall are happy with what the goverment does for them......"

Yakin nampak. *ok, keyakinan itu perlu. If ALL the students berpuas hati, takkan ada demostrasi punya laaa.

"What was the question just now?"

I repeat it again, 'I SPEAK, YOU LISTEN!'. *Khas untuk Kak Pah. Haaa, orang tengah bercakap kena tarik mic. Macam mana nak tahu soalan. But i respect Bawani, she still listen to what Sharifah said. Kalau aku, aku keluar terus dewan tu tak masuk2. Kalau dia cakap,

"Hey! listen to me!"

"Buatpa aku nak listen kat hang! Soalan aku pun kau tak listen!"

Then, Sharifah said about pendidikan.

"You know that, you have the least pendidikan. You know what pendidikan you need? Number one, respect the adults. Number two, always have a differentiation gap between age. That's why you have your mother, grandmother. Do you think only humans have problem? Animals have problem. Dogs have problem, cats have problem, ikan jerung ada masalah and bla bla bla..."

Aku pulak kata, if Bawani have least pendidikan, she would not entered UUM and able to be there and listen to her *dan jugak video nie takkan meletup. Good enough la tu daripada jadi penyangak yang semakin ramai. Even penyangak pun ada pendidikan. And korang perasan tak, number one dengan number two tu macam sama je. Haaa, yang nie nampak takde idea. But the MOST, why she relates human and animlas? Animals and humas are different. Yang membezakan adalah akal fikiran. *Islam kot! Yes, everybody have problems, even animals, tapi, tengok ehh, if the dog is barking, the owner will take care of them. Their problem solved. Bila kucing pulak tak happy, maybe dia lapar, so the owner will feed them. Their problem solved. Sharks do have problems. Yes, people are killing them. Sebab tu la ada World Wildlife Federation. They will be taken care of. Their problem solved. But they don't have mind. So, we humans, are the one who think how to solved their problems. See? I think she should change the words "RAKUSNYA MANUSIA" to "BERHATI PERUTNYA MANUSIA".

"Manusia hanya tahu complain complain complain complain complain..."

I think Bawani just gave her opinion. Humans have problem. Tapi, manusia ada akal fikiran. Akal fikiran la yang boleh digunakan untuk solve problems right? Bawani is a student. She stated her problem as a student. She just gave her opinion how to solve them. Tapi, kena condemn pulak. So, masalah tak akan selesai dan akan terus berleluasa. Lepas tu baru semua nak cari jalan how to solve them. Like this laaa, kita sungguh2 nak selesaikan masalah phytagoras theorem, tapi tak ada jalan. *banyangkan masa tu belum wujud manusia yang bernama Phytagoras. So, people keep finding ways how to solve them. Then, Pakcik Phytagoras nie pun muncul dengan formulanya. And the problem solved! So, thanks to Pakcik Phytagoras kerana mengemukakan idea ini :)

Okay, now, put aside Bawani and Sharifah. Let's see the audience. They just clap their hands. When Bawani was talking, *clapppp. When Sharifah said, *clappppppp. Takde pendirian kot! Bak kat Mat Luthfi dalam video parodinya,

"Woi, ape Kak Pah tengah cakap tu?"

"Ntah, nampak yakin je. Betul la tu kot."

Yes, if we watch the video without understanding what they say, it seems Sahrifah is correct and Bawani is wrong. Yakin sungguh. Kalau camtu, aku pun boleh buat video dan cakap dengan yakinnya bahawa,


Orang 1 : "Dia serius kaya?"

Orang 2 : "Betul la tu kot. Nampak yakin je."



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