jalan segak penuh bergaya.



Sunday, March 3, 2013


My fellas knew i was in a part-time job. Ustazah kot! Daripada aku jadi penganggur yang tak akan berjaya tanam anggur depan rumah, bagus aku tolong anak-anak bangsa an? Cewahh. Macam pendidik berjaya pulak. And lucky was with me. Kebetulan mudir sekolah tu tengah cari guru ganti sementara. Memang Tuhan nak aku tolong anak bangsa. Daripada aku melayan movie2 hambar segala. Kan kan kan? Okey, tapi aku dah habis kerja dah. Memang akan layan la movie2 jiwang segala tu. TERPAKSA. Hikhik. Bukannnya aku taknak sambung mengajar. Result SPM nak keluar dah. Boleh hitung dengan jari je berapa hari lagi result nak buatkan aku menangis. T.T Jantung aku macam nak tercabut dah duk menghitung hari nie. Ya Allah, harap-harap semuanya okey. Alamak, dah lari tajuk. So, aku taknak cerita panjang la. Last day jadi Ustazah, aku bawak dua orang kawan aku. HA HA HA. jadi photographer. Asyik aku je jadi photographer. Aku nak jugak masuk camera muke aku. Hewhew. So, LET THE PICTURES SPEAK :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Ya, sekali lagi aku masuk ke kelas darjah 4. Penghuni-penghuni darjah 4 lebih pelbagai karenahnya berbanding darjah 3. Ketika itu aku mengajar subjek Hadis. Subjek yang pada suatu ketika dahulu aku sangatlah tidak menyukainya kerana proses penghafalan yang boleh menyebabkan kepala aku terletak rapi di atas meja beralaskan tangan aku sendiri. Dan sekarang aku percaya terhadap Qisas, "what you give you get back". Memang aku 'get back' dari murid-murid aku. Mereka pun serupa pemalas aku.

Pada hari itu aku tidak menyuruh mereka menghafal, aku berikan kerja 3 mukasurat. Ya, memang keluhan hebat daripada mereka habis tersembur ke muka aku. Namun, aku tidak peduli. Aku cikgu, mereka murid. Sungguh kejam aku tika itu.

Dek kerana seorang murid yang bernama Syafiq ini sangatlah pemalas dan kerap memberikan 1001 alasan, aku pun duduk di hadapannya bagi memastikan kerja yang aku berikan siap. Namun, memang ini Qisas tak henti-henti untuk aku. Pemalas pelajar ini tidak boleh dikawal. Tapak tangan sudah diberikan, pulasan sudah diberikan, tinggal tolak budak nie dari tingkat teratas menara KLCC lagi belum. Sekarang aku tahu, guru itu tabah.

Walau bagaimanapun, benar kata orang, pelajar yang nakal inilah yang banyak mencuit hati kita. Seorang rakan sekelas Syafiq yang duduk di sebelahnya mengajukan sebuah soalan kepada aku,

"Ustazah, soalan Latihan 2 (b) nie macam mana?"

"Itu buat sendiri, sebutkan 5 perbuatan baik."

Aku terdengar perbualan antara Syafiq dan raknnya itu,

"Syafiq, macam mana eja membaca?"

"Kau nie eja membaca pun ndak tau. Aku pun ndak tau. Hehe"

"Membaca apa aku mau tulis ahh?"

"Membaca Al-Quran la kau tulis."

Terdetik dalam hati aku, 'bagus juga budak Syafiq nie'. Aku menyambung semula mendengar perbualan mereka.

"Nombor dua aku mau tulis apa ahh?"


"Menolong kedua orang tua la aku tulis."

"Jangan! Menolong Phineas and Ferb."

Lalu aku sekuat hati menyampuk,


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Haram Berdosa

As always, i entered year 4 class for Khat's subject. After the du'a recitation, one boy, Hariz came to me.

"Ustazah, bla bla bla bla"

i don't have an idea what he's talking about. I grabbed his hand and asked him to sit down and did his work.

"Apa nie ustazah pegang pegang, haram!"

"Oooo. Ndak dengar cakap ustazah pun haram!"


He laughed too hard and i was so blanked.

"Mana ada haram ustazah."

"Jadi apa la?"


I think i should know how to differentiate Haram and Berdosa =.='

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


My fellow, Atikah Farhani was hungry. We went to Wisma Merdeka to searched for swimming suit for Farahanah's swimming lesson. However, the swimming suit's price was hahaha. *if you know what i meant. So, we decided to accompanied Atikah Farhani to eat at a restaurant, somewhere.

"Adik nak order apa?"

"Bagi ABC biasa, laici ping, air jagung, teh tarik ping dengan cincau susu."

We talked too much. The whole restaurant was donimated by our voices. Then, a waiter came approached us.

"Adik, cincau susu habis."

"Cincau kah susu habis?"

"Susu ada. Cincau yang habis."

"Cincau habis? Tu yang dalam peti sejuk tu?"


"Campur jak cincau dalam tin tu dengan susu. Pun boleh."

Monday, February 11, 2013


Kenai dak? Menipu kalau korang tak kenal. World Phenomenan 2012 ni. Adik saudara aku yang baru belajar merangkak pun boleh recognize lagu nie bila dah kena pasang. 

Actually, i've been waiting a long time to post this entry. And, Yes! Dah sampai masanya. People keep talking bout this since before CNY. Yang kononnya BN jemput PSY buat konsert Gangnam Style kat Penang sempena CNY. Itu aku still boleh leks. But, RM2,000000? *kira betul dak kosong aku tuh ada enam. hikhik. 2 juta 7 keturunan aku tak habis makan. *ok itu tipu. Setahu aku show dya 4 minit lebih je. RM2 JUTA tu ibarat 20 orang buat show 4 minit bertaraf Beyonce. *aku tipu lagi.

Yes, i admit. Bila lagu nie dah kena pasang, aku pun ikut ber-Oppa Gangnam Style. Macam nak menari pun ada. Tapi, bila tahu PSY kena bayar RM2 juta untuk show 4 minit, amboih, kaya nampak Malaysia. Ya, mungkin sempena nak bagi happy2 rakyat Chinese sempena CNY. Tapi, negara Islam kot! yang menjemput, merasmi, pemimpin Islam kot! Bila dipersoalkan kenapa tak bagi RM2 juta tu kat Palestine, Gaza, Syria, ada yang kata Malaysia dah bagi RM4 juta something2 untuk tolong diorang, Perdana menteri pun dah pegi lawat Palestine selama 6 jam.

But, in my opinion, tak salah tambah RM2 juta lagi kan untuk bantu negara Islam? Negara Islam bantu negara Islam. Dan 6 jam? *itu aku taknak komen. 

Aku tak kata salah nak berhibur, aku pun berhibur jugak. Even para Ulama' pun berhibur. *mengikut syariat. Tapi, RM2 juta dengan hanya melihat PSY melompat-lompat di atas pentas selama 4 minit tanpa mesej? Aku lebih rela Owl City datang Malaysia. Sekurang-kurangnya lagu dya certain ada mesej yang bermanfaat. Kalau tak percaya, replay lagu Gangnam Style tu 100 kali pun takkan ada mesej yang ingin disampaikan. 

Mungkin sesetengah orang akan kata..

"Takpayah nak kecoh sangat la. Kerajaan yang bayar, bukan duit kau."

"Apa pun, aku bersyukur kita dapat BR1M, BL1M, baucer RM100.."

Aku pulak kata, ingat itu duit kerajaan ka? Itu duit mak bapak hang! Ya, aku pun turut bersyukur segala bantuan yang diberikan. Tapi, cuba imbas kembali, kita dapat semua tu setelah 55 tahun Malaysia merdeka? PSY dapat untuk persembahan 4 minit. Dah la tak bermesej yang bermanfaat. RM2 juta pulak tu! Bagus bagi kat aku. Perumahan aku takde masjid. Al-maklumlah kawasan Cina. Hewhew.

Aku bukan nak memecah-belahkan rakyat Islam dengan non-Muslim. Tapi, apa faedah yang kita dapat dari Gangnam Style? Cara melompat yang superb? atau pakai spek di atas pentas walaupun tak bermatahari? Biarlah nilai seperti RM2 juta tu dilaburkan kepada benda2 yang membawa manfaat. Contohnya seperti membangunkan lagi negara. Jangan dilaburkan kepada perkara yang entah di mana manfaatnya. Lepas nie kalau nak jemput Justin Bieber sekalipun, tapi kalau ada manfaat, apa salahnya :D * ok, kidding.

So guys, kata nak mencapai Wawasan 2020. Jadilah rakyat yang bijak :)

Friday, February 8, 2013


It was 2012. A year where i had to struggle for SPM. One of my favourite subject was PSI (Pendidikan Syari'ah Islamiah). I am a student of Islamic Religious school around Kota Kinabalu. One day, We're having our PSI class at 'Bilik Gerakan'. Yeah, i liked. There's air-conditioner. The air-cond made me sleepy. Even sleeping during classes was my hobby, but this really really encourage to sleep tight.

We're dicussing 'bab Perkahwinan' on that day. The most favored topic by the students. But me, yeah, still sleepy. Damn the air-cond. But, a question from a friend of mine attracted me so much.

"Ustaz, kenapa lelaki yang mati pucuk tak boleh kahwin?"

"Sebab tak boleh lah. Dah mandul."

"Mesti ada sebab munasabah kan?"

All of my classmates hoo-haa hoo-haa forced our Ustaz to tell the truth (the very truth), including me :D

"Ya ustaz, kenapa?"

"Eh, korang tak payah tahu la."

"KENAPA? KENAPA? KENAPA?" voices of one class.

"Sebab... Sebab.. tak bergerak."

Then we knew it :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013


We're having our dinner. I ate too much *as usual. A few hours later, i got a stomach ache. I hastily went to the washroom.

"Siapa dalam tandas?"

"Aku. Kenapa?" My eldest sister's voice.

"Kau buat apa?"


"Berak? Oi, cepat sikit! Aku pun mau berak!"

"Aku mau mandi nie!"

"Nanti la kau mandi. Bagi aku berak dulu. Cepat kau!"

I was holding my stomach ache for a few minutes. Seriously, IT'S HORRIBLE. Then I heard the locker of the washroom's door was opened.

"Siap sudah."

"Kau sudah pam kah?"

"Kau kelam-kabut betul. Pam la sekali lepas kau berak."



Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I am Sabahan. Not pure. Mix Johorian. Mom Sabahan, dad Johorian. Eh, aku pun pening daaaa. My mom is Bajau, one of the largest ethnic in Sabah. *bukan kaum orang asli yee bang. Sebab utama aku buat entri nie? Sebab aku nak highlight kat sini SABAH TIDAK SE-NOOB YANG DISANGKA. Haaaa, hambek kau. Entri sakit hati. Hahahaha. Okay, JK jeeee. Aku nak perbetulkan semua pandangan manusia2 di luar sana mengenai Sabah. Bukan semua orang, SESETENGAH. Sarawak laa sekali. Tapi more about Sabah laa. Aku tak arif sangat pasal Sarawak. Nanti salah fakta, kontroversi lagi. Bahaya... bahaya...


Ewah.. ewah... Lulus subjek Geografi ke tak? Ingat Peninsular je Malaysia? Sabah + Sarawak pun Malaysia jugak. Kalau tweets macam tau semua jee. Tup tup Sabah pun tak tahu kat mana. Kesiannnn. Naik2 la flight pegi bercuti kat Negeri di Bawah Bayu nie. Banyak tempat menarik. Tahun Melawat Malaysia kann :)


Macam nak bagi makan kaki pun ada. Cakap i'm proud to be Malaysian. Etnik kat dalam negara pun tak tahu. Bajau tu antara bangsa paling besar kat Sabah. Bukannya kaun orang asli. Amboihh, sedap je mulut bercakap. Pegi sana minta ihsan pakcik Google ke Wiki ke. Dunia kan tanpa sempadan sekarang. Khatamkan pasal negara Malaysia nie. Confirm Geografi A+ .


Suka sangat close-minded fikir orang Sabah duduk atas pokok. Kalau ye pun kami duduk atas pokok, kami naik atas pakai lif, escalator. Online pakai wifi, tak main la broadband. KAU HADO?? Yang tak pernah bertandang ke Borneo nie, meh bawak family cuti nie. AirAsia kan ada. Takde alasan takde tiket murah. Lagipun, jauh berjalan luas pemandangan. BUKAK sikit mata tu tengok betapa pesatnya pembangunan di Sabah Sarawak nie. *Walaupun tak sepesat Sem. Msia. Semua jenis rumah ada, setinggan, banglo, condo, apartment, double storey. Rumah terbalik pun ada woi. KAU HADO?? Nasib rumah terapung takde, kalau tak, ternganga la gamaknyaaaaa.


Tarzan pun sekarang dah moden. Pakai jeans segala. Penduduk2 di sini pun pakai branded stuffs. *aku tak tergolong. Levi's, Lacoste, Puma, Ralph Lauren, Adidas, Nike, Hugo Boss, Guess, Gucci, Lee Cooper, Polo, Hush Puppies and bla bla bla. And alhamdulillah, masih ada Muslim Muslimah yang menutup aurat yeeee :)

Haaa, inilah antara soalan2 famous yang selalu dikemukakan kepada aku dan kawan2 dan mungkin mangsa2 keadaan yang lain. Banyak lagi yang lain, tapi takut kontroversi pulak. Kesian Borneo Malaysia, selalu kena pandang rendah. Dah la Sabah Sarawak nie banyak menyumbang kepada Negara. Cewah cewah. Mengungkit la pulokkk. Ingat, Pandalela tu orang Sarawak. *keningkening.

Monday, February 4, 2013




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Thursday, January 31, 2013


It's Thursday. My mom had took her flight to Kuala Lumpur at 3 in the morning. So, as usual, i and my sister have to cook for our dinner.

"Kau masak apa hari nie?"

"Sausage, ayam, sayur."

She asked me to cook the rice. She excitedly cut down the onions, garlics and vegetables. Suddenly my dad came back home.

"Nah, makanan. Ada nasi goreng pattaya, nasi goreng seafood sama nasi goreng ayam."

"Fatin, simpan balik semua yang kau potong tu. Untuk esok."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

iPhone 5

When i entered year 3 class, one boy came to me,

"Ustazah, saya mau bagitau sesuatu."


He then liked hiding something from me while holding his pocket.

"Ustazah saya TERbawa handphone."

"Ohh yaa? Handphone apa?"



Yes! Finally i could touched iPhone 5! Yeehaaa! Okay, i admitted, COOL apps! Haha. Kesian. Ustazah dya pakai handphone cikai jee. Sekali student, ._____.' (speechless).

"Pegi la kau duduk sana. Buat kerja yang ustazah bagi. Simpan tu handphone bagus2."

It's 5.13 pm. My mom haven't came yet. So, i HAVE TO patiently waited for her. Then, the 'iPhone' boy came to me and his two other friends.

"Ustazah, urm.. urm.."


"Kami mau bagitau ustazah sesuatu, tapi, takpa lah."

"Bagitau lah, apa jugak?"

"Nanti ustazah bagitau orang lain?"

"Ndak. Siapa jugak ustazah mau bagitau?"

"Sebenarnya, pasal handphone saya."

"Kenapa handphone kau?"



Sunday, January 27, 2013


Assalamualaikum. Tadi pagi aku baru balik dari bengkel lesen. * ok, orang dah test jpj aku baru nak bengkel. Pity me, pity me. Mak aku kata kena suruh kumpul sebelum jam 8. JAM 8 HAPE??! 9 lebih baru mula bengkel. Terpaksa aku menggadaikan waktu tidur aku. Disebabkan aku berat hati sebenarnya nak pegi, maka pakaian aku pun macam orang kena sawan. SELEKEH. Lagipun tempat tu tak sampai 1 kilometer pun dari rumah aku. Jadi kalau ada apa2 boleh lari balik rumah.*kalau aku jumper kan best. So, aku sampai kat sana. Tunggu punya tunggu sambil melayan smartphone, aku pun buat kawan. Sampai sekarang aku tak tahu nama dia sape. Tapi dia baik. SANGAT.

Sekali dalam setengah jam lepas tu, datang segerombolan anak2 muda yang menakutkan *lelaki. Rambut punk. Tindik di telinga. Seluar koyak2. Sape tak gerun camtu. Tinggal nak lari je belum. Selalunya kalau aku jumpa manusia2 seperti ini, aku akan pegang erat benda2 berharga aku dan jalan cepat. Takut kena rompak. Hahahaha. Lawak. Aku nampak diorang berjalan menuju ke arah aku dengan ke-'brutal'-an mereka. Jantung aku dup dap dup dap. Dan diorang memang jalan ke tempat aku.

"Hey beb! kau bengkel jugak hari nie! Satu2 orang?"

Aku macam nak terbang je masa tu. 'Diorang cakap kat aku ke?' Ohh, rupanya dengan kawan perempuan aku yang first2 aku kenal tu. Nasib baik.

"Nie bah ada kawan aku."

"Ohh, kami fikir kau satu2 orang. Hai!"

Diorang cakap hai kat aku? Woww. Menakutkan pun ada. Tapi aku menggagahkan diri bajet brutal jugak pun ada.

"Hai :)"

Keluar jugak perkataan 'hai' dari mulut aku. Sebenarnya diorang tidaklah se-brutal yang aku sangka. Kalau orang sekali tengok memang macam penjenayah bersiri dengan ayat2 diorang memang umpphhh! Marvelous! Maki sana maki sini. Aku tahan hati dengar. Macam nak bagi kaki.*ok, serius tak berani. Tapi, bila aku lama bercerita dengan mamat2 nie, baik pulak. Siap belanja aku lunch lagi.*Save duit. hahaha. Masa orang lain tengah praktikal pasang tayar, aku dan diorang melepak kat sebalik kereta.*ternyata aku brutal. Penat kot di tengah panas. So, aku and 'gang baru' aku pun stori2 bagai. Berdasarkan cerita2 diorang, diorang nie lepasan2 SPM yang tengah tunggu result.*sama macam aku. Dan semua diorang tengah kerja. Jangan ingat diorang kerja cincai2. Aku dengar je cerita diorang sambil ikut ketawa sama2.

"Aku kerja di KFC sekarang. Mau ambil lesen kan. Mesti ada duit."

"Aku kerja di workshop. Apa guna aku sekolah teknik."

"Aku tolong bapak aku kat kantin. Daripada aku merempat di rumah"

Mungkin kerja 'sementara' diorang tu tak lah menghasilkan gaji yang lumayan, tapi sekurang-kurangnya HALAL. And sekurang-kurangnya diorang ada inisiatif nak cari duit sendiri. Jangan nak pandang rendah sangat kat diorang, sedangkan kita pun ambil lesen pakai duit mak bapak. *ok, terasa =,=' Jadi setelah mendengar2 cerita diorang, aku cuba bersangka baik. Husnuzon..husnuzon..

'Seluar koyak mungkin sebab orang susah.'

'Rambut punk sebab terkena genjatan elektrik.'

'Tindik telinga sebab hmmmmmmmm' takdak idea.

Sekali diorang soal selidik aku pulak. Kerja aku, senyum ketawa, senyum, ketawa.*bajet pemalu. Aku pun jawablah soalan diorang selagi termampu. Kalau buat list, BANYAK GILE KOT SOALAN DIORANG! Ada certain jawapan aku nak buat lawak, tapi lawak aku tak menjadi. Kesian kesian. Tapi lawak diorang, pergh! sampai ketawa melalak-lalak kot. Tambah2 lagi ketawa lelaki yang nak bagi dengar satu KMK tu. 3 lelaki ft 2 perempuan. Salah, 4 lelaki, 1 perempuan.*ketawa aku dianggap ketawa lelaki. Apa lagi, memang riuh rendah laa. Nasib cikgu kami tu jenis yang boleh kelentong. *astaghfirullah. hahaha.

So, sampai lah habis bengkel, kerja aku melepak dengan diorang je. Nak tangkap gambar sesame, tapi terlupa. Excited bercerita kan. Lagipun bapak aku datang sharp 1.30 petang.*ala2 ayah mithali. Tapi, diorang memang the best. Even first impression aku macam rasa nak lari je, tapi ternyata kitorang same je. Soal maki memaki tu, aku tengok diorang jenis boleh diubah. FLEXIBLE. InshaAllah kalau kitorang jumpa lagi, dengan izin Allah, aku nak cuba tarik diorang perlahan-lahan.*Even aku pun tak warak. But still, we can change them into better. Sebab apa yang aku nampak kat dalam diri diorang, MUKA GANAS, HATI TISU :) Like i said before, people change.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Assalamualaikum. I just get back from watching Juvana. Actually kami sepatutnya tengok cerita Hansel and Gretel. Even cerita tu khas untuk 18 and above, kami cuba try test bawak seludup adik aku masuk. Tapi, mungkin Tuhan taknak umatnya menipu kan. So, akhirnya tak lepas. Jadi, mak aku dengan gagahnya mebawa tiket yang dah dibeli tu ke kaunter. Aku tak ade idea amacam mak aku boleh tukar tickets kitorang pegi movie Juvana, sebab aku takde time conversation diorang tu. Sebenarnya aku lebih prefer Juvana daripada Hansel and Gretel. Memartabatkan industri perfileman negara. Cewahh.


Sebenarnya bukan cerita nie aku nak stori2. Tapi berkaitan dengan cerita nie. *ape beza? Yes, kalau kita sebut Juvana, maybe dekat kepala hotak most people..

"Juvana? Uish, penyangak tu, serius penyangak."

"Gile ape Juvana. Keturunan Abang Long tuuu."

"Penagih dadah, pembunuh, perompak, perogol, semua yang ada imbuhan 'pe' di depan."

"Bapak brutal! Jangan sebut kuat2. Kang die panggil gang2 taiko die. Bahaya.. bahaya.."

Tetapi tahukah anda, para Juvana jugak ada perasaan? After diorang dah keluar dari pusat serenti, masyarakat still menganggap 'mereka2' nie sebagai penjenayah even 'mereka2' nie dah berubah. Persepsi manusia. Once a criminal, always a criminal. Macam ibu bapa yang melarang anak2 dya berkawan dengan anak2 kepada mereka yang bermasalah, e.g. bapa dya perompak. Yes, memang tanggungjawab parents untuk menjaga anak2 dya daripada terpengaruh dengan gejala2 negatif seperti itu, tapi itu kan bapak dyaa, bukan anak kot. Yala2, kita ada peribahasa 'bapa borek, anak rintik' and macam tagline poppeye*cenggini ke eja? 'like father like son'. Tapi ingat! BUKAN SEMUA. And most of us terus menganggap semua perompak tu adalah yang tidak berhati perut sebab merompak sana-sini. ANALISA itu perlu. Maybe dya merompak sebab terpaksa? Nak bagi makan anak bini dya yang kebuluran? Nak pakai duit cepat sebab mak dya perlukan pembedahan segera? Who knows kan? Sebab itulah kajian dilakukan sebelum pelancaran. People change. Sama ada secara mendadak atau perlahan-lahan. dan perubahan nie merangkumi dua perkara, KE ARAH KEBAIKAN atau KE ARAH KEBURUKAN. Bila berubah ke arah kebaikan,

"Hek' eleh, nak tunjuk warak alim siqah la tuuu."

"Ceh, poyo laaa."

bila ke arah keburukan,

"Bodoh, mak bapak bagi sekolah, akhirnya jadi penyangak"

"Pengaruh kawan la tuu."

See? baik salah, jahat salah. Last2 manusia2 akan berleluasa jadi penkit dan pondan. Yaa, memang jahat salah, tapi takpayah la nak persoalkan kebaikan orang. Karang orang jadi jahat, complain complain complain.*style Kak Pah.

And orang lain keep avoiding themselves from the EX-criminals.

"Jangan kawan dengan dia! Penyangak sampai mati tu!"

Macam mana mereka nak betul2 berubah kalau kita tak support? Mahukah kita membiarkan criminals yg semakin berleluasa ini menjadi-jadi? At least diorang dah keluar dari pusat serenti. Walaupun tak berubah banyak, sikit pun ok la. Kita kan hidup saling melengkapi. TOLONG-MENOLONG. Jangan terlalu obses dengan diri sendiri bajet lebih baik dari diorang. Tup tup, di masa depan*guna pintu doraemon, diorang jadi Imam Besar. Sentap kau. Ubahlah persepsi anda2 sekalian. Bak kat Sofie Decutaz, 


Blog Sofie Decutaz

Friday, January 25, 2013


I'm on my way to make colour-blocking shawls. I thought i need a model. *takkan la aku kot! My sister will definitely objects if i ask her to be the model. Then, i thought about Intan *my smooth-skin friend. Oh well, she's PLKN right now. So i just thought about my 'always free' friend, Nurul Fatin. Then i called her about couples of time. She didn't answered. Thanks to Allah, she called me then. *jimat kredit aku.

"Helo Gurl. Baru aku bukak profile kau tadi. Kira mau call kau lepas nie. Aku makan bah tadi."

"Kau tu. Berapa kali aku call kau. Uish, aku mau tanya kau nie, kau mau jadi model? Bukan model atas pentas tu. Model shawls jak punn."

"Hahahaha. Kau buat lawak kah Gurl. Namau la aku. Nanti orang tengok gambar aku. Kena kasi ketawa nanti. Namau la."

"Alaaaa. Shooting di rumah aku jak pun. Satu hari jak."

"Hahahaha. Nanti la aku fikir."


I just back from a short outing with Irnahjaya. 2 and half hours. *ok la tu. I called Fatin.

"Fatin, amacam? Boleh?"

"Kau la Gurl jadi model. Nanti orang bilang barang2 kau, aku pulak jadi model. Kena kasi ketawa nanti."

"Ndak tu."

"Boleh la. Tapi kau pun mesti jadi model. Ganti-ganti kita."

"Aku? Namau laaaaaa. Nampak segala-galanya nanti."

"Photoshop kan ada."


Thursday, January 24, 2013


Daniel, he's my 5 years old cousin. Still a kid. But he has the adult's thinking. It's been a long time i didn't saw him. I just saw him at my Grandma's home at Tuaran. He went there with his atok, uncle, and aunt. Mine also. He walked into the house with full of dashing. With his Ben 10 bag, and his 'punk' style hair. A few minutes later, he saw Riezuan's Ben 10 toys. Riezuan is also my 11 years old cousin. Yeah, they're still kids. All my cousins in Sabah mostly are still kids. I'm one of the eldest one. Maybe there are. But, mungkin sedare jauh2 kot. So, he came near the toys and happily palyed them. I opened my tab to snap his picture, but then...

"Gurl, pinjam tab kau."

"Buat apa?"

"Main game bah."

"Eh, teda game sini. Habis bateri sudah."

I hastily shut down my tab at my back. 

"Eeee, ada game tu. Jangan la kau tipu."

"Betul, tiada. Lagipun habis bateri sudah Daniel."


"Nah, kau tengok, mana ada bateri."

I pressed the 'on' button 'sekejap-sekejap'. Because if i pressed it more longer, the tab would turned on. Suddenly, he grabbed the tab from me and pressed it more longer. And the tab turning on.

"Naaa kan on. Kau mau tipu aku."

"Sekejap ahh Daniel, aku bukak dulu aku punya. 1 minit jak."

As i opened my Instagram, a picture on the top was a sport car picture with a Thai guy. Then i cheated him..

"Daniel, kau tengok, kereta aku."

"Lelaki tu siapa?"

"Kawan aku. Time nie kami pegi Ranau."

"Ooooo, pandai-pandai kau ahh."

"Aku sudah besar bah. Bukan macam kau, masih kecik. Belum boleh jalan sendiri2."

"Pandai-pandai kau tipu aku."


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Abang Kyo, bukanlah abang aku, pakwe aku, ataupun mamat yang ada pertalian darah dengan aku mahupun adik-beradik susuan. But, HE'S MY MAN! *kepada abang kyo, jgn salah sangka. Why i said he's my man? sebab he's not a woman. *ok, tak lawak pun. I don't know where i started knew him. Maybe somewhere at other's blog or YouTube channel, perhaps. Yeah, but his first video i watched was "Girl I Like" parody. The singer is Kraft. *sebenarnya tak kenal pun. Even terdapat banyak failure lips sync, benda yang terngiang dekat benak fikiran aku ni..

"Eh, hensem jugak mamat ber-shirt hitam biru nie."

Ok, bukan soal jatuh cinta ke apa. Soalnya, takde soal. *tak lawak. So, i kept watching his videos. Actually, their videos. I don't know why. Even sometimes ada video yang tak menyampaikan mesej apa2, sekadar parody, aku suka. The most part aku suka bila intro.


Sampai kat rumah nie pun aku asyik tersebut-sebut tagline diorang. Ish ish ish. Tapi part belakang aku tak sebut la. Takut penghuni2 kat rumah nie salah tafsir. *ok, cukup. But, till now, i wonder who's the guy that says the tagline. Wonder wonder wonder. Sampai satu2 ahli dya aku try and error suara. Tapi, tak dapat2. So, siapa yang tahu, bagitahu saya please? dan aku syak bukan ACUT. Ok, sorry Acut. 

Haaaa, this is Abang Kyo. If i'm not mistaken, part nie time dorang nak buat tarian Hakka, tapi pak guard tak bagi, So, diorang mintak permission En. ???. Aku pun tak ingat. Last2, dapat jugak. Dialog paling fresh kat kepala aku pasal video nie,


Nak tunjuk 'protes' secara kecil-kecilan. Abang Kyo and the gang sempoi je bile buat apa2. Serang manusia kat dalam patung besar. Naik atas pentas sambil lompat2 dekat show ???. tak tahu. Main gendang menggunakan spoons and forks kat restoran sebab protes air lambat sampai. Buat video parody jam 3 pagi. Mempertahankan MySpace. Usha2 pakcik Kiri Kanan. Menggunakan berus gigi sebagai seni. What else ekk? Banyak lagi kot. Tak ingat. Oh yaaa, Abang Kyo ikut show Sasuke Malaysia. Bina badan. Makin well-knit aku tengok. 


Part nie kena ambik time parody 'Girl I Like'. Bagi sesiapa yang tidak tahu, Kat sebelah Abang Kyo tu la Acut. Most videos mesti ada Acut. co-founder jugak kot. I almost forgot, real name Abang Kyo nie Nabil Ifwat, budak Art Design tak silap. UiTM Lendu. *jgn ckp pasal kes rasuk and pukau tu. Aku gelabah. But, dia dah graduate diploma kot. and the most, DIA ORANG UTARA. Aihh, abeh2. Orang utara dah mempelopori channel2 di YouTube. Anwar Hadi, Mat Luthfi, V-loggers yang thumbs up laaa! So, Abang Kyo, teruskan pemprotesan anda yang baik. Saya suka :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Ahmad Syakir, my cute 9 years old student. He's my teacher's son. Cikgu Zati's son. When i first time entered his class for imlak subject, my eyes concentrated at him. Too cute. He speaks Semenanjung to me.

"Ustazah, ustazah bekas sekalah mane?"


"Serius SMKAKK?"


"Mak saye keje kat sane."

"Eh, mak awak sape?"

"Cikgu Zati."

"Kirim salam kat mak awak eh, cakap dari Gurl."


He's a good boy. He always finished my works on time. Usually, he's the first one to send his work. But, there's an agenda.

"Eh, mana tab ustazah?"

"Syakir ambik."

"Syakir, bagi sini."

"Alaaa ustazah. Saye nak maen game."

"Tak payah. pegi duduk sana."

He keep asking me to let him play games in my tab. Not just him, all the boys. But if i give one of them, the others will scramble. I'm blurred. So, i asked them to sit down on their seats. 

"Eh, mana tab ustazah lagi?"

"Syakir ambik."

"Syakir, bagi sini. Nanti waktu rehat datang pi bilik guru. Baru maen tab ustazah."

"Yeay! OK!"

Friday, January 18, 2013


I was very excited to cook 'ayam masak kicap'. Actually, i wanna cook it yesterday. But, my sister said,

"Sudah ada ikan, ayam besok la kau masak. Baru tak cepat habis lauk."

On the next day, i decided to cook Egg rolls. But i just thought that it was more better if i cook them for dinner. So, i just cooked Sausages with sauce and Vegetables soup as our lunch before i went to work.

After i finished my duty, my father took me from school. I excitedly went home because i wanted to cook 'ayam kicap'. I began my cuisine with Egg rolls. I started interested to cook Egg rolls when i watched 'Boys Over Flower' Korean Drama. Yeah, it's years ago. So, i intended to learned from 'makcik dewan makan' at my school. But i ended up with Cikgu Internet. Sounds easy. But it needs skill. Then, i cooked the 'ayam kicap'. Then my just arrived sister said,

"Wahhh, Gurl masak ayam kicappp."

" Maju kan aku. Kau ada?"

My dad ate them without word. So, i thought my 'ayam kicap' turned out. My sister said again,

"Time to eat masakan Gurl!!!"

My sister also ate them without word. Then my gameholic brother came to the room.

"Gurl, ini daging kah ayam?"

"Ayam laa. Kenapa?"

"Keras gilak."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

LISTEN! [sila sebut enam kali]

Asalamualaikum. As we know, video yang tengah hot sekarang nie adalah video LISTEN. To does who never watch the video, bolehlah pegi mendapatkan ihsan Mr. YouTube dan search listen. Lebih lengkap lagi, taip Listen tu enam kali. Confirm keluar. If not, if you're lucky, korang akan nampak video tu dalam kategori Highlights. *wow! trending kot! Kalau tahun lepas video tarian Gangnam Style oleh PSY menjadi world phenomenan, tahun 2013 mencatat sejarah video Listen antara Miss Bawani, UUM student and Sharifah Zohra Jabeen *tak pasti jawatan dia dalam 1Malaysia, nie jadi trending. Video response dan parody pun turut mendapat hit yang menggila sekarang. Tambah2, Encik MatLuthfi dah maii dahh. Not only in YouTube, juga menjadi trending di Facebook dan Twitter. Nasib je Friendster dah tak famous, kalau tak, confirm2 turut menjadi trending. So, in this entry, i just wanna share my opinion about the video.

First, *ceh, macam Kak Pah la pulak, yes, for those who watch the video, we can see Bawani using a high voice towards Sharifah. Yeah, Sharifah is older than her. But maybe she wants to let her listen to what she wants to ask or to highlights. But when she started to talk about education in Malaysia, Sharifah just asked her to stop. But, she didn't finished her questions. And why Sharifah have to said Listen, Listen, Listen while her hand in front of Bawani's face. Ayat yang paling melekat kat kepala otak aku,


Whoaaa! Ayat tak boleh bla! kalau aku, aku menjawab kot. If she said that, why didn't she let Bawani speak and she listen to her. Like people said, 'don't just jump into a conclusion'. Mana la tahu ayat belakang2 tu menerangkan segalanya. Who knows right? But, she just asked her to stop and said listen and bla bla bla, then took away the mic. Nampak tak? taknak kena condemn lebih2 la tuuu. Lepas tu cakap pulak,

"Do you think i have to answer her question with this attitude?"

Yelah, kalau dia tak ada attitude pun, at least, tegur la. Tak payah nak ugut camtu. Haaa, ayat yang nie pulak.

"Jangan samakan Malaysia dengan negara lain. Sekiranya negara Malaysia disamakan dengan negara lain, what are you doing in Malaysia? .....Because you know what, all the studnets in this hall are happy with what the goverment does for them......"

Yakin nampak. *ok, keyakinan itu perlu. If ALL the students berpuas hati, takkan ada demostrasi punya laaa.

"What was the question just now?"

I repeat it again, 'I SPEAK, YOU LISTEN!'. *Khas untuk Kak Pah. Haaa, orang tengah bercakap kena tarik mic. Macam mana nak tahu soalan. But i respect Bawani, she still listen to what Sharifah said. Kalau aku, aku keluar terus dewan tu tak masuk2. Kalau dia cakap,

"Hey! listen to me!"

"Buatpa aku nak listen kat hang! Soalan aku pun kau tak listen!"

Then, Sharifah said about pendidikan.

"You know that, you have the least pendidikan. You know what pendidikan you need? Number one, respect the adults. Number two, always have a differentiation gap between age. That's why you have your mother, grandmother. Do you think only humans have problem? Animals have problem. Dogs have problem, cats have problem, ikan jerung ada masalah and bla bla bla..."

Aku pulak kata, if Bawani have least pendidikan, she would not entered UUM and able to be there and listen to her *dan jugak video nie takkan meletup. Good enough la tu daripada jadi penyangak yang semakin ramai. Even penyangak pun ada pendidikan. And korang perasan tak, number one dengan number two tu macam sama je. Haaa, yang nie nampak takde idea. But the MOST, why she relates human and animlas? Animals and humas are different. Yang membezakan adalah akal fikiran. *Islam kot! Yes, everybody have problems, even animals, tapi, tengok ehh, if the dog is barking, the owner will take care of them. Their problem solved. Bila kucing pulak tak happy, maybe dia lapar, so the owner will feed them. Their problem solved. Sharks do have problems. Yes, people are killing them. Sebab tu la ada World Wildlife Federation. They will be taken care of. Their problem solved. But they don't have mind. So, we humans, are the one who think how to solved their problems. See? I think she should change the words "RAKUSNYA MANUSIA" to "BERHATI PERUTNYA MANUSIA".

"Manusia hanya tahu complain complain complain complain complain..."

I think Bawani just gave her opinion. Humans have problem. Tapi, manusia ada akal fikiran. Akal fikiran la yang boleh digunakan untuk solve problems right? Bawani is a student. She stated her problem as a student. She just gave her opinion how to solve them. Tapi, kena condemn pulak. So, masalah tak akan selesai dan akan terus berleluasa. Lepas tu baru semua nak cari jalan how to solve them. Like this laaa, kita sungguh2 nak selesaikan masalah phytagoras theorem, tapi tak ada jalan. *banyangkan masa tu belum wujud manusia yang bernama Phytagoras. So, people keep finding ways how to solve them. Then, Pakcik Phytagoras nie pun muncul dengan formulanya. And the problem solved! So, thanks to Pakcik Phytagoras kerana mengemukakan idea ini :)

Okay, now, put aside Bawani and Sharifah. Let's see the audience. They just clap their hands. When Bawani was talking, *clapppp. When Sharifah said, *clappppppp. Takde pendirian kot! Bak kat Mat Luthfi dalam video parodinya,

"Woi, ape Kak Pah tengah cakap tu?"

"Ntah, nampak yakin je. Betul la tu kot."

Yes, if we watch the video without understanding what they say, it seems Sahrifah is correct and Bawani is wrong. Yakin sungguh. Kalau camtu, aku pun boleh buat video dan cakap dengan yakinnya bahawa,


Orang 1 : "Dia serius kaya?"

Orang 2 : "Betul la tu kot. Nampak yakin je."



Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Macam serius pulak entri aku kali nie. Cewahh. Macam ahli politik pulak. As we know, *bagi yang tahu, solidariti bermaksud PERPADUAN, KERUKUNAN ataupun SETIA KAWAN. Rakyat tu bermaksud, takkan tak tahu kot. Pegi google sendiri. So, ready for the extreme expressions :)

We are the 'powerless people' are holding the powerful people up there. And they know that.They're terrified of us, realizing that. You know, when you look at the pyramid, we have been manipulated to believe the power in the pyramid is in the top. IT ISN'T. The top of the pyramid is there because the rest of the pyramid is holding it up.We are holding this whole thing together. They outnumber us a hundred to one. And if every they figure that out, there goes our way of life. So we have to keep the pressure on, basically, we have to keep them WORKING, WORKING, WORKING, so they don't figure out where the real power is. And that is why this network of manipulation works so hard to keep us in these states. Expose them for what they are.We make it so easy. The non-comply dance. No longer will we just do it because we're told to do it. Is it just? Is it right? Okay, i'll do it. Is it unjust, is it not right? No! i'm not doing it. WE start to make decisions on what we will and will not do. Based on our values and not some imposition fron the 'dark suits'. The big question:

"What would consciousness do?"

"What would consciousness do in this situation?"

And when we ask that question, we really just change the way we see the world. These people are going to give me, grant me, or grant me not, my freedom? I am all that is. You can't grant me freedom, No one can grant me freedom. I AM FREEDOM. It is what i am. But there comes a time when one must take a position. Position that is neither safe nor politics nor popular, but one must take it because it is right. If we started making decisions based on that, the world would transform overnight. These are very simple things. If we want a world of peace, then we need to be peaceful. We don't need to fight for it. We just need to be peaceful and we will bring that about. If we want a world of kindess, we need to be kind. And then it will naturally unfold. We cannot fight for kindess. No longer can we say we didn't realize who we are. We didn't know we could do that. And that is what we are being offer the chance to do now, to turn the master key, for becoming conscious, that will bring and end to this. It is being given to us. We just need to take it. And to take it we need to say 'ENOUGH'. ENOUGH of being enslaved by these people, ENOUGH of being enslaved by our manipulated ignorance. ENOUGH of being enslaved by fear of being 'who we are?' It is time to fly. It is time to fly.



Monday, January 14, 2013


People's first impression:

1. "Gurl nie bodoh ke hape? Ade pulak 2+2=5. Adik tadika aku pun tahu kot."

2. "Gurl.. Gurl.. belajar sampai SPM sudah, 2+2 pun salah kira?"

3. "Nie mesti kes nak bagi entri saspen la nieee."

People, yes, i know, 2+2=4. Nenek aku yang tak ambik SPM pun tahu. *asal sampai nenek nie? But how if your school teacher said 2+2=4? And your lecturer said 2+2=5? Which one will you believe? Maybe some will trust their school teacher and some will trust their lecturer. And i believe most of us will trust their lecturer.

"Lecturer aku la aku caye kot. Lecturer ada Master, ada Ph.D. Diorang lagi pro dalam bidang2 camni. Teori diorang lagi tinggi. Ada sebab la tu kenapa boleh jadi 5."

PERHATIAN! PERHATIAN! PERHATIAN! Sekarang pun banyak cikgu2 graduate Master kot. *ok, tak make sense. We start learn ABC and 123 when we're kids. Officially, when we're in the kindergarten. Then a simple sentences and formula when we're primary. And it become more difficult when we're secondary. And harder day by day sampai la ke negara China. Bikin tension kot!  Kalau lah maths tu macam subjek Sejarah, people will only memorize them, not to understand them. Cikgu boleh cakap 2+2=10 jugak? Aku akan percaya, maybe. Because i only have to memorize them and just write it down '2+2=10' on the exam test. But, all what we need is UNDERSTAND, not just MEMORIZE and FOLLOW without understanding. Because if you're right, you'll be able to prove it. Whitout fear and scare. Isn't it?

Sebelum korang scroll ke bawah dengan lebih lanjut, pastikan anda menonton video di bawah ini :D

Terima kasih kerana menonton :) Understand? or not undestand? Let me explain to you what i understand.

As the teacher enter the class, he write 2+2=5 on the board. And keep asking his students to repeat '2+2=5'. The boys seem wonder how it become 5? At first, no one is brave enough to ask the teacher, until one boy raise his hand and said that 2+2=4. The teacher still with his stance and ask the boy don't think anymore and just memorize that 2+2=5. He asks them to write it in the notebook. Then one boy stands up and corrects his teacher that 2+2=4. But the teacher scolds him because the boy is dare to question him like that and asks him to say to the whole class that 2+2=5. The boy turns around and say to his friends '2+2=4'. Then the teacher asks the boy to wait and he call the top senior students of the school and they also say the same thing, 2+2=5. The teacher asks the boy to answer 2+2 equal to what? The boy bravely answers it with 4 and he's shot by the seniors because do not answer it with 5. Then the teacher tells the class not to against what he teach.. The boys write down 2+2=5, but, one boy erase it and change it with 4. *mcm sinopsis la pulak.

So here. The teacher is a powerful person. No one can against him. He can punish whoever that against him. The students are like the community. They're weak. No power to against the people at higher position. But why the boy was shot? Because he's only a person who stand up to tell the truth. We all know that 2+2=4 *bole pikiaq kot. But who has the power will require that 2+2=5. We all know that it's wrong. If persistent, it will be killed. Because I find that contradictory. Imagine if all the boys in the school said 2+2=4, they will win. However, the seniors also taught to not against the teacher. But the truth is still the truth. No one can object it. Democracy. Yeah, democracy is what we need. Every group of the community can state their opinions. Without unfair. Why the last boy erase 5 with 4? Because he knows the truth. But he scare. Scare to be punished. But maybe someday he'll be the one who against who's wrong? Who knows. In this case, knowledge is everything. Skill and strategy are also needed. Let the truth be truth. 

I am not mean to involve any political view. This is just a reality that we ne need to face. I explained this to me from the corner of their own. For clarity. '2 +2 = 5 ' from the book 1984 George Orwell means, 2 +2 is equal to 3,5,6 or any numbers. The social or situational wanted it to be. Although we are fully aware that 2 +2 = 4, and we believe that it is true. If we follow our faith. as it should be *as a young man was shot to do. It is foolish not to take the risk to challenge yourself to the whole society.



No, i'm not failed trial test or so whatever. Yeah, even i used to fail for my Science Stream subjects, that's not the point. Lower form gagal pelik kot. Kalau upper form. I'm not scared to say, 9As 8As 7As 6As and so on might be the 'same'. Bukan semua orang, but, MOST! So, upper form students, Welcome To The Hell. *ayat untuk aku sebenanye. Bukan nak bagi takut, but, i just wanna all of you know, on this level, NO HONEYMOON. Honeymoon time form 123 still can get straight As. I can guarantee you. Still, study is needed. for SPM level, all you need is FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS! Okay, aku lari terpesong dari niat aku nak sampaikan apa. =.='

10.30 am i woke up from my bed unworthily. I'm going to sit for my Ujian Undang-undang Berkomputer Bahagian 1. And as you know, *bagi mereka2 yang tahu, i'm a backup teacher at SAR. So, i target around 12.30 pm i would completed my test. RILEK kk, the place where i took my test. Ramai gile kot manusia. Macam Himpunan Rakyat Malaysia #KK114 yang beratur panjang berjela-jela kat counter. Second by second, minute by minute, till hour by hour and aku naik fed up.

"Kak, boleh ka kalau saya postpone test saya, sebab saya ada hal urgent"

"Eh, tidak bole tu tau. Kalau kamu daftar hari nie, hari nie jugak kamu kena ambik. Boleh jugak laa. Tapi kamu kena daftar balik and bayar RM30 semula."

"Ohh. okay, thank you."

Aku pun berlalu pergi dan ambek phone aku yang tertinggal kat atas kerusi.

"Hello, mak. Aku postpone la hari lain. Lama betul lagi nie. Tapi nanti daftar balik. Bayar RM30. Heee"

"Eh, jangan. Kau tunggu jak. Nanti dia panggil tu."

"Jadi, lambat la aku pegi megajar nieee."

"Nanti mama SMS Ustaz Rohzan."


I'm waiting. I think i can't go to teach today. So, i SMS Ustaz Rohzan.

"Assalamualaikum ustaz. Saya masih di RILEK untuk ambil test computer. Masih menunggu di panggil. Saya tidak dapat datang hari nie pegi mengajar. Maaf."

Macam lawak pulak ayat aku. So, i waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Suddenly...

"Dek, adek tunggu dari jam berapa lagi?"

"Jam 11 kak."

"Kakak dari jam 10 lebih lagi. Lambatnya proses dorang nie. Jam 3 lebih sudah nie."

Jangan tanya apa perasaan aku tunggu selama 4 jam. SAKIT HATI. However, it won't changed anything. So i decide to be patient. Orang tengah sebok baca buku KPP, aku sebok melayan smartphone. -.-'

"Nurliyananissa binti md Roslan?"

At last! wehuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

"Adek duduk sana ambek gambar. Kalau first test bayar 10 ringgit ehh."

Tergelak tengok muka sendiri dalam computer. Tudung mereng-mereng.

"Dek, komputer 1."

As i entered the room, i'm searching for 'Komputer 1'. I'm sitting near the door. Orang masuk keluar masuk keluar. Stress aku menjawab. Honestly, AKU TAKDAK BACA BUKU KPP APATAH LAGI SISTEM KEJARA. I just depends on the KPP's talk. *walaupun aku tido. So, i just answered the questions. Gile temberang aku dapat full mark Ujian Kecacatan, Warna dan Penglihatan. Masuk Ujian Bahagian 1 (Statik), berkerut dahi. Maybe you will say,

'Hek'elehh, aku tak belajar pun lulus jugak.'

Hey, your IQ with mine aren't the same! I'm not se-genius anda. *Tahu tak genius, tak baca. Kena balik muka sendiri. So, i just answered them completely. Lepas jawab soalan 50, terus hit button 'Hantar'. But button 'Keputusan', dup dap dup dap aku nak tekan.

1 more mark to pass the test. Kalau kat sekolah bolehla bodek2 cikgu bagi markah lebih 1. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur. It's okay, at least i knew how to face the reality. I accepted that. Plus, i didn't read the book. Maybe Allah doesn't want me to feel comfortable with no effort. 

"Dek, adek lulus?"

"Tak, gagal. 41/50."

"Satu lagi tu. Sayangnya. Nasib baik kakak lulus."

She's Christian, I'm Muslim. She do not pray 5 times a day. I do *kecuali mamnu'. She's free hari. I'm hijaber. Only a thing she did better than me, SHE HAS EFFORT. In that few hours, i saw she's reading the KPP's book and i was facebooking, twittering, instagraming and messaging. Ohhh, my fault. Allah has said in His Quran "I will not change your fate, except you work for it." See? Pengajarannya, jangan nak goyang kaki  je and say 'Aku tawakkal je. Allah tentukan segalanya.' #Note Khas Untuk Aku. Usaha itu perlu untuk berjaya :D  Maybe i'll take my re-test at Myeg Donggongon. So, wish me luck peeps!


Sunday, January 13, 2013



This is my Mathematics teacher. He taught me since i was form one till SPM battle began. Wan Sekeran Wan Adini, THE BEST TEACHER EVER! Hensem kan? hahaha. I don't know, but i think he has power *kot. He could turn his students from worst to better. SERIOUSLY. We also call him 'Bapa Pemodenan' because idk how to explain, he taught us the same formula. But, it became easy! Actually, the 'nickname' was created by Tarmizi's students (account class). He's awesome! Yeah, it'a a tradition if a teacher would get angry towards their students. But, it's normal right? They taught us. Change us. Even he 'ketuk-ketuk' kepala his students yang tak reti bahasa, but didn't gave up. Can you imagine how students who used to get D and E on their exams, get A in PMR examination? How students who used to fail in SPM trials get A in SPM examination? Like a magic right? But, it's reality. This person is the one who changed them. salute!

He's funny and sometimes he can be strict. Seriously, since i was form one, i never get other else grade except A for my mathematics tests. Not to be a gabby, but, just to let you know, if i only get one A in a test, and it would be maths subject. *BM pun kekadang B kot. haha. I remembered when he threw a marker pen towards us. No other reason, we slept in his class! Okay, not just me. I and my other 3 friends. Memang laa. Kelas petang. Ngantuk kot! But hey, let me let you know, he never get angry at his students for a long time. The longest is only one period of his class. If i'm not mistaken, he ever get angry to his student. I was form 3 at that time. The student was form 5. The student kicked the desk. Sir Wan didn't say a word. But, he continued teaching him and never get angry to the him. He always prays the best for his students. And hey, the student get A in his SPM for maths subject. See? He never gave a damn to his students even they're the worst. I remembered when he mocked me about foods..

"Gurl, kau nie makan seja. "

"Lapar bah sir. Nanti ndak dapat saya fokus dalam kelas. hehe"

"Kawan-kawan yang lain ndak makan pun. Malu kali dorang"

"Sir, mama saya cakap, SIAPA MALU RUGI! Prinsip keluarga tu sir."

During his class, even you open a big tupperware in front of him, he don't care. But, what he needs is FOCUS! And i always did that. *sorry sir. But at least I AM FOCUSED :) And one day during recess in Koperasi..

"Assalamualaikum sir :) Sir, belanja!"

"Kau nie tak tahu malu. hahaha"

"Kan saya sudah cakap, SIAPA MALU RUGI!"

Then he called a group of students...

"Kamu dengar nie, si Gurl cakap prinsip keluarga dia TAK TAHU MALUU. hahahaha"

"Sir! Apa pulak tak tahu malu. Siapa malu rugi bah sir. Aiyaaaaaaaaa!"

"Ohh yaka? Saya ingat tak tahu malu"

And the word MALU i'd expressed it there. *sape tak malu satu ko-op dengar. When our syllabus at the end of Form 4 and Form 5, he always gave us motivation talks. Even it only takes 5 minutes, all what he said was true. Really really true. And i became more focus on that. hahaha. 

"Kalau kamu sudah masuk U, carik lah pasangan kamu di sana."

"Yunkkkkkkkkkkk! kenapa pulak sir? Lain sir nie tau."

"Ya, betul, terutamanya perempuan. Kami nie kaum lelaki makin pupus. Nanti ndak pasal2 kamu bermadu. Tak payahlah kamu bercinta lagi kalau di sekolah menengah. Fokus dulu belajar. Sebab kalau di U kebanyakannya ke jinjang pelamin."

Hey, he misses us! He said he teaches 5 Bukhari for this year. He posted it on our class group.


Maybe he said different because WE ARE WILD *kot. hahaha. We're extreme enough y'know. Nak duduk diam? TIDAK SEKALI-KALI. Even if we're doing an experiment, we also did an 'other' experiment. And the 'other' always ended up with a damage. Wild enough huh?! hahaha. Idk why but we never hesitated to share stories with him even it included about politics or gossips. He's totally teenage minded. During Majlis Restu Guru, he said this to us..

"Sir halalkan semua ilmu yang sir bagi kat kamu. Sir mintak maaf kalau sir marah2 kamu. Itu bukan marah, cuma nak kamu tabah menuntut ilmu. Nanti dah keluar sekolah, nampak sir, tegur la sir. Mana la tahu sir sudah nyanyuk masa tu, tegur saja sir. Sir hargai semua itu."

 I miss him very much much much much! He's my teacher, he's my father, he's my friend and he's my gang :D Ya Allah, thanks for sending us a great and awesome teacher. Only You can reply all his goods and knowledges that he gave us. aammiinn :) SIR, WISH ME LUCK FOR MY MATHS SUBJECT ON SPM. Sir, please don't forget 5 Bukharians 2012. InshaAllah we'll become someone useful to others with your knowledges. WE LOVE YOU! THANK YOU SIR!


Saturday, January 12, 2013



It's my first time watching Korean movie on cinema.Actually my sister wanna watch other movie. *idk what. But, as usual, we late. It's already 7.16 pm. only The Tower on 7.20 pm. So, my mom bought the tickets.

The movie was directly sent to my heart. I'm touched. Too many moral values in this movie.



This movie taught me how huge our parents sacrifice for us. If they don't love us, they won't fed us, bought us clothes, gave us place to sleep and others. Let's see, if we want something from them, they'll work hard for it. Maybe some of us aren't that rich to buy expensive things, so the parents aren't able to buy what we want. Tell me, since you were kids, how many times they didn't fulfil your wish? If you have 100 wishes, only a few of them aren't fulfilled. They give away the money that they work for. Just for us. Even the beggars also bring their children wherever they go. Because we as a symbol of our parents love. Parents are amazing!



We work to get salary. So, do it right. Because you work for people. You help people. Doctors help patients to cure diseases. Teachers teach students, then they become a useful person. Farmers and fisherman produce foods for people so that the won't starving. Architects help to build houses for families and buildings for country. Remember, what you give you'll get back. Do your job with whole-hearted. As example, if you're a teacher, and you taught your students like 'tiada-tiada', the students will not get better, but even worst. Life is Qisas, who knows one day your student is a teacher to your child, maybe they will do the same thing to your child. See? Trust with Allah's promises. You'll get a payback. But maybe they will not come with the same reward, maybe it will come as a happiness or health. Who knows? Wallahu'alam :) So, work like you want the same thing people do for you.



We used to fail. But it doesn't mean you're a loser. Everyone in this world is a winner. Prove? You are the sperm who won to enter the ovum. No one wanna fail. Even KFC's original owner fail thousands time to create a marvelous recipe. He didn't gave up. And the result, KFC still exists till today. Who say the losers can't beat the winners? Bill Gates used to be a loser in his academic. But today, who's the owner of Microsoft? And the one who used to be a winner during school is now his engineer. Nothing is impossible peeps. When Allah says, 'Jadi, maka jadilah!' because He already said in Quran, ' Aku tidak akan mengubah nasib sesebuah kaum, sehinggalah dia mengubahnya sendiri(dengan berusaha)'. Don't afraid to wake up :D



In this movie, they always trust their God will make a miracle for them to survive. It's okay. We have many religions in this country. For Muslims, we believe in Allah. He's the one who arrange human's life and death. He's powerful. So, trusts Him. If you do something on His path, He'll guide you. InshaAllah until Jannah. Knowledge is the key for everyhting. Even if you wanna talk, you have to know ABC. He's the one who creates us with different faces and fingerprints. Muslims, make du'as. He won't disappoints you. Even the Shaitan ar-Rojim asked Allah that they wanted to mislead humans until Qiamah, Allah let them. And why not us? Persons who Sujud to Him 5 time per day? He's powerful :)

Affiliate Marketing.


Did you know that our MyKad has 50 uses? Yeah, i'm also just knew about it. But, i'm going to highlight about the 50th use of MyKad. AFFILIATE MARKETING. We will not know about this until we met kak Cheryl.

"Kamu ikut mama aa pegi dengar pasal MyKad Shoppers."

"Haaa?! Namau la. Mama jak la pegi. Pasal business2 jugak."

"Mari laaa. Kamu dengar jak. Manatau kamu mau ber-business nanti."

Without a word, Fathin, My sister and i did followed our mom. Kak Cheryl is kinda friendly. I think she likes to talk very much, i guess. She's 23 and she became rich with this. She used to be AmBank employee. But, she resigned 2 years ago because she enjoys her new work. Sounds fun.

"Why akak resign dari AmBank?"

"Tension. hahahaha"


"No laaa. Tension is one of the reason jugak la. You kena bangun awal. Kena marah2 lagi. Yaa, memang ada guarantee if we work there. But, why we should keep it going kalau tidak ikhlas? It's better if we do something we enjoy and kalau untung sikit2 tu jadi laaa. Tapi, with this, untung bukan sikit maaaaa."

What she said was very true. Do something we enjoy. And when she said 'With this, untung bukan sikit maaaa' made me interested to hear her explanation about this Affiliate Marketing. The co-founder of this is Mr. Teo, 33. He's an engineer. At first, he didn't used MyKad, he used Name Card. But, FAIL! But, he didn't gave up. He tried and tried until he found a book about the uses of MyKad. At that time, the uses of MyKad only has 36. Then he thought, 'why don't we try to use MyKad as a medium?' So, he sent his proposal to Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN). Then the Pengarah said, 'okay, we try :)' And you know what, it work! He's now a Dato'.

Back to the Affiliate Marketing. The theory is like this. If someone(customer) asks you(dealer) about a good place to eat. Then you prefer them KFC or McDonald(place), so they go eat there. If the restaurant is one of the Affiliate Place, then you'll get percents from your customer's purchase. If the restaurant is not Affiliate, you can introduce the restaurant's owner about Affiliate Marketing(AM). Then you'll get one percent from you customer's purchase. BUT, you must register you customer's ic number as your customer. So, if you have 100 customer go there and each of them pay RM100 for their purchase, you'll get RM1 per person. And if you have 100 stalls registered, and all 100 of your customers go there, RM1x100X100=RM10000. Who will give this much of money? Maybe you will say, 'ahhhh, 2 3 tahun tutup la tu'. Hey, they have supporter, JPN. Students are also welcome to do this, especially U students. *primary and high i don't have any idea. And one percent of our profit will be donated to Cancer Society. *lupa society apa.

I'm not highlighting about 'RICH', but future life needs so many requirements. Maybe with the money, we can donate them as charities to others. And the most, STUDENTS, need money to pay the fees and to bear everyday life. I'm just sharing this. Any offense, i apologise. If interested, PM me. Even i'm still not in this, maybe i can introduce you to the dealer :)