jalan segak penuh bergaya.



Thursday, January 24, 2013


Daniel, he's my 5 years old cousin. Still a kid. But he has the adult's thinking. It's been a long time i didn't saw him. I just saw him at my Grandma's home at Tuaran. He went there with his atok, uncle, and aunt. Mine also. He walked into the house with full of dashing. With his Ben 10 bag, and his 'punk' style hair. A few minutes later, he saw Riezuan's Ben 10 toys. Riezuan is also my 11 years old cousin. Yeah, they're still kids. All my cousins in Sabah mostly are still kids. I'm one of the eldest one. Maybe there are. But, mungkin sedare jauh2 kot. So, he came near the toys and happily palyed them. I opened my tab to snap his picture, but then...

"Gurl, pinjam tab kau."

"Buat apa?"

"Main game bah."

"Eh, teda game sini. Habis bateri sudah."

I hastily shut down my tab at my back. 

"Eeee, ada game tu. Jangan la kau tipu."

"Betul, tiada. Lagipun habis bateri sudah Daniel."


"Nah, kau tengok, mana ada bateri."

I pressed the 'on' button 'sekejap-sekejap'. Because if i pressed it more longer, the tab would turned on. Suddenly, he grabbed the tab from me and pressed it more longer. And the tab turning on.

"Naaa kan on. Kau mau tipu aku."

"Sekejap ahh Daniel, aku bukak dulu aku punya. 1 minit jak."

As i opened my Instagram, a picture on the top was a sport car picture with a Thai guy. Then i cheated him..

"Daniel, kau tengok, kereta aku."

"Lelaki tu siapa?"

"Kawan aku. Time nie kami pegi Ranau."

"Ooooo, pandai-pandai kau ahh."

"Aku sudah besar bah. Bukan macam kau, masih kecik. Belum boleh jalan sendiri2."

"Pandai-pandai kau tipu aku."


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